A focus on sustainable packaging: bioplastics

January 31, 2024

How can we produce a plastic that’s better for the environment?

While we wait for bioplastics made entirely out of renewable resources to arrive on the market, a number of companies are working on fillers linked to recycled materials, trying to reduce the weight and ecological impact of plastics.

That said, pinpointing the right blend of vegetable and mineral is harder than you would expect. It requires a delicate balance between maintaining the desired qualities of plastic, such as strength and durability, while also adhering to sustainable practices. This is where advancements in technology and innovation come into play.

One promising solution is the use of biodegradable additives in traditional plastics. These additives allow the plastic to break down at a faster rate when exposed to certain conditions, such as sunlight, oxygen, or microbial activity. This means that the plastic will decompose into smaller particles and eventually biodegrade back into the environment.

Another approach is to use plant-based materials as filler in plastic production. These fillers can include everything from corn starch and vegetable fibers to algae and even food waste. By incorporating these natural materials, we can reduce our reliance on petroleum-based plastics and lessen their environmental impact.

To find plant fillers, running a local sourcing analysis becomes crucial. Supply should be considered within a circular agricultural sector. Companies such as Dow Chemical, DuPont and FPM have already made significant strides in this area, using plant-based fillers such as wheat straw for their plastic products. This not only reduces the environmental impact of plastic production but also creates a new market for agricultural waste.

Additionally, researchers are exploring ways to make plastic production more sustainable by using methods that require less energy and generate fewer emissions. This includes utilizing renewable energy sources like solar or wind power, as well as implementing more efficient manufacturing processes.

Moreover, the use of bioplastics can help reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and decrease greenhouse gas emissions. Bioplastics are made from renewable resources such as corn, sugarcane, and cassava, which can be replenished through sustainable farming practices. And unlike traditional plastics, bioplastics have the potential to decompose into natural materials, reducing the amount of plastic waste that ends up in landfills or our oceans.

In addition to using sustainable raw materials and production processes, another step towards producing a plastic that's better for the environment is improving its end-of-life cycle. This involves implementing better recycling methods and creating a circular economy where plastics can be reused, repurposed, or recycled into new products.

Overall, producing a plastic that's better for the environment requires a combination of approaches – from using renewable materials to implementing sustainable manufacturing processes and promoting efficient recycling techniques. Only through collaboration and innovation can we create a truly eco-friendly plastic that has a positive impact on our planet. So while we wait for the perfect solution, let's continue to promote greener practices and support companies that prioritize sustainability in their plastic production.



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